And in this election, the ideological divide is stark indeed, with Obama supporting government centralization that borders on European-type socialism and Romney in favor of decentralization, state and individual rights and free-market capitalism. 而且这一轮选举中意识形态的对立非常鲜明:奥巴马支持政府集权,近乎欧洲式的社会主义,而罗姆尼则赞成去集权化,尊重各州和个人的权利,并推崇自由市场资本主义。
Heated opinions The anti-cohabitation campaign has stirred fierce debate among experts, with some believing that students` individual rights to make choices in this regard shouldn` t be violated. 拒绝婚前同居活动也引发诸多专家学者的热议,有专家认为,学生的自主选择权不应被侵犯。
Very few issues speak as forcefully as this one about individual rights and collective action and about the intolerable inequalities that affect millions through no fault of their own. 很少有其他问题像粮食危机这样强有力地表明个人权利和集体行动,表明影响数百万无辜者的无法忍受的不平等。
She wrote: Singapore is a dual state in that it matches the 'law' of the liberal 'west' in the commercial arena while repressing civil and political individual rights. 她写道:新加坡是一个二元国家,它在商业领域实行与自由‘西方’的‘法律’相似的法律,同时又压制个人的公民和政治权利。
The Value of Moral-Side-Constraints& The Perspective of Reviewing the Individual Rights and the Status of State 道德边际约束的价值意蕴&考察个体权利与国家权力的另一种视角
Critics have argued the treatment of dissidents and individual rights in China has been lost amidst the trade and business talk. 评论人士指出在中国对不同政见者和个亻权利的待遇问题在贸易和商业会谈中已被(刻意)回避了。
The common law has always protected individual rights. 普通法一直保护着个人的权利。
Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and property. 法律是为保护人民权利和财产而制定的。
Link to the website of the Center for Individual Rights. 连接到个体权利中心的网站。
Individual rights and obligation of every member of the committee are assured in the committee charter. 练习():委员会的每个成员的权利和义务都能够在委员会的章程中得到保障。
Individual Rights Protection in Public Order Construction and the Legislative Rules of "Electronic Eyes" A study on interpretation of public policy related to enforcement of judgment within EU 公共秩序构建中的私权保护与电子眼的立法规则论欧共体法院对公共秩序规则的解释&基于判决承认与执行的视角
The system of ownership is active and desirable, provided individual rights and interests can be safeguarded, whatever forms may be. 所有权体制无论采用什么具体形式,只要能够有效地尊重和保护个人的合法权益,它都是积极的、可取的。
My idea is that individual rights should be fully respected. 偶的想法是,个人的权利应该得到充分尊重。
This means that the law should recognize and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality. 可以在制定阶段通过一下方式保证法律的公平。
But in counter-utilitarianism, Two person had emphasized the individual rights surpass the friendly ethics. 但在反功利主义上,两人均强调权利优于善的伦理主张。
Owing to the external factors in history, Mark ignored individual rights in his theories. 历史和客观的因素导致马克思对个体权利的刻意忽视。
The development of self-administration offers another way of providing remedies for individual rights. 自治之生长是为个体权益提供救济的另一途径。
Protection of the rights of university students is an urgent topic for realizing the regulation on education. Lawful spirit and the concept of right supremacy require schools to respect and protect the individual rights of university students. 大学生权利的保护是实现教育法治的迫切课题,法治精神和权利至上理念要求学校管理尊重和保护大学生个体权利。
Priority of individual rights and basic rights is the principle that deal with the conflict of right. 个体权利优先、基本权利优先是处理权利冲突进行权利选择的基本原则。
Both the right of knowing and the right of privacy are individual rights of the citizens but not of the state organs. This is reflected, first of all, by certain spiritual benefit. 了解权与隐私权都属于公民个人而非国家机关的权利,首先体现为一定的精神利益。
In political culture both depreciate the importance of the value of the individual rights. 在政治文化上贬低个体权利在政治体系中的重要作用。
Natural rights were considered as individual rights that were innate, common and prior. 自然权利被认为是个人与生俱来的、普遍的、先在的权利,是国家权力的界限,是法律权利的道德合理性的根据。
As a result, he granted a fresh meaning to liberty, and defined it as a legitimate use of social power, whose aim was to protect individual rights from any intervention by society and defend individuality and social diversity. 由此,密尔对自由作了新的理解,将之定义为社会权力的合法使用。其目的是要保护个人的权利免遭社会的侵害,捍卫个性和社会的多样性。
First, from the right-obligation visual angle, the compensation for the compulsory education combines the individual rights with the national compulsory obligation; 首先,从权利与义务的视角考察,论述了义务教育补偿是个人的权利和国家的强制义务相结合。
While advocating individual rights, Dworkin presents conceptions of the independent right of morality and the right of treatment and respect as an equal. 整体性原则和权利至上原则是德沃金法律原则理论的核心所在。德沃金在论述权利问题时,提出了个人道德独立权利以及平等关怀和尊重的权利j。
Useful principle refer to appreciation activities which has the largest universality for people, reflecting the uniqueness of individual rights. 普遍有益原则是指文学欣赏活动对于欣赏主体有益的问题具有最大的普遍性,这也体现了对个体独特性的尊重。
Those rights include kinds of specific individual rights, especially the right to life, liberty and property. 这其中包括个人所拥有的各种具体权利,特别是指洛克所说的生命权、自由权和财产权。
There are great significances for individual rights and freedoms to constantly improve the public and private spheres. 不断完善公共领域和私人领域,对于个人的权利和自由具有十分重要的意义。
To protect and preserve the individual rights has become the core of the modern spirit of the rule of law. 而保障和维护合理正当的个体权益,已经成为现代法治精神的核心内容。
The misappropriation of state to society and the alienation of individual rights made mankind early taste the bitter fruit of the decline of subjectivity. 国家对社会的侵吞、个体权利的异化,使人类早早的就品尝到了由主体性衰落所酿成的苦果。